New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 2023-06-25T20:11:09+12:00 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics Open Journal Systems <p>Welcome to the official website of the New Zealand Journal of Mathematics. From 2020, the old website will be gradually phased out and past issues will be uploaded to this website.</p> <p>The New Zealand Journal of Mathematics seeks to publish high quality research papers in diverse areas of pure and applied mathematics. Well-written survey articles are also warmly invited.</p> <p>Papers should be of general interest and of moderate length. The journal is more likely to publish papers on topics that overlap with the interests of the Editorial Board or that are of interest to at least one mathematician in New Zealand.</p> <p>The online ISSN is 1179-4984.</p> Nearly self-conjugate integer partitions 2023-01-15T04:01:55+13:00 John Campbell Shane Chern <p>We investigate integer partitions $\lambda$ of $n$ that are nearly self-conjugate in the sense that there are $n - 1$ overlapping cells among the Ferrers diagram of $\lambda$ and its transpose, by establishing a correspondence, through the method of combinatorial telescoping, to partitions of $n$ in which (i).~there exists at least one even part; (ii).~any even part is of size $2$; (iii).~the odd parts are distinct; and (iv).~no odd part is of size $1$. In particular, this correspondence confirms a conjecture that had been given in the OEIS.</p> 2023-06-25T00:00:00+12:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The author Amendment to "Lindelöf with respect to an ideal" [New Zealand J. Math. 42, 115-120, 2012] 2022-12-22T18:02:13+13:00 Jiarul Hoque Shyamapada Modak <p>We give a counterexample in this amendment to show that there is an error in consideration of the statement "{\it if $f : X \to Y$ and ${\bf J}$ is an ideal on $Y$, then $f^{-1}({\bf J}) = \{f^{-1}(J) : J \in {\bf J}\}$ is an ideal on $X$}" by Hamlett in his paper "Lindelöf with respect to an ideal" [New Zealand J. Math. 42, 115-120, 2012]. We also modify it here in a new way and henceforth put forward correctly all the results that were based on the said statement derived therein.</p> 2023-06-25T00:00:00+12:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The author The 2-fold pure extensions need not split 2022-09-20T16:49:26+12:00 Aliakbar Alijani <p>In this paper, we give an example of locally compact abelian groups $A$ and $C$ such that ${\rm Pext}^{2}(C,A)\neq 0$.</p> 2023-06-25T00:00:00+12:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The author The conjugate locus in convex 3-manifolds 2022-08-24T08:35:51+12:00 Thomas Waters Matthew Cherrie <p>In this paper we study the conjugate locus in convex manifolds. Our main tool is Jacobi fields, which we use to define a special coordinate system on the unit sphere of the tangent space; this provides a natural coordinate system to study and classify the singularities of the conjugate locus. We pay particular attention to 3-dimensional manifolds, and describe a novel method for determining conjugate points. We then make a study of a special case: the 3-dimensional (quadraxial) ellipsoid. We emphasise the similarities with the focal sets of 2-dimensional ellipsoids.</p> 2023-07-01T00:00:00+12:00 Copyright (c) 2023 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics Corrigendum to: Two new proofs of the fact that triangle groups are distinguished by their finite quotients 2023-06-09T06:59:10+12:00 Marston Conder <p>This brief corrigendum corrects some minor errors in the paper `"Two new proofs of the fact that triangle groups are distinguished by their finite quotients", published in the <em>New Zealand Journal of Mathematics</em> <strong>52</strong> (2022), 827--844.</p> 2023-10-03T00:00:00+13:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Author Group Actions on Product Systems 2023-01-04T17:38:59+13:00 Valentin Deaconu Leonard Huang <p>We introduce the concept of a crossed product of a product system by a locally compact group. We prove that the crossed product of a row-finite and faithful product system by an amenable group is also a row-finite and faithful product system. We generalize a theorem of Hao and Ng about the crossed product of the Cuntz-Pimsner algebra of a $C^{\ast}$-correspondence by a group action to the context of product systems. We present examples related to group actions on $k$-graphs and to higher rank Doplicher-Roberts algebras.</p> 2023-10-19T00:00:00+13:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Author Yamabe solitons in contact geometry 2023-01-09T21:20:05+13:00 Rahul Poddar S. Balasubramanian Ramesh Sharma <p>It is shown that the scalar curvature of a Yamabe soliton as a Sasakian manifold is constant and the soliton vector field is Killing. The same conclusion is shown to hold for a Yamabe soliton as a $K$-contact manifold $M^{2n+1}$ if any one of the following conditions hold: (i) its scalar curvature is constant along the soliton vector field $V$, (ii) $V$ is an eigenvector of the Ricci operator with eigenvalue $2n$, (iii) $V$ is gradient.</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+13:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Author A note on the regularity criterion for the micropolar fluid equations in homogeneous Besov spaces 2023-01-06T08:27:52+13:00 Qiang Li Mianlu Zou <p>This paper gives a further investigation on the regularity criteria for three-dimensional micropolar equations in Besov spaces. More precisely, it is proved that the weak solution $(u, \omega)$ is regular if the velocity $u$ satisfies</p> <p>$$\int_{0}^{T}\| \nabla_{h}u_{h}\|_{\dot{B}_{p,\frac{2p}{3}}^{0}}^{q} d t&lt;\infty,\ with\ \ \frac{3}{p}+\frac{2}{q}=2,\ \frac{3}{2}&lt;p\leq\infty,$$<br />or $$\int_{0}^{T}\| \nabla_{h}u\|_{\dot{B}_{\infty ,\infty}^{-1}}^{\frac{8}{3}} d t&lt;\infty,$$<br />or $$\int_{0}^{T}\|\nabla_{h} u_{h}\|_{\dot{B}_{\infty,\infty}^{-\alpha}}^{\frac{2}{2-\alpha}} d t&lt;\infty,\ with\ 0&lt; \alpha&lt; 1. $$</p> 2023-12-20T00:00:00+13:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Author