Information For Authors

Research, expository, and survey articles are solicited in any branch of pure or applied mathematics, or mathematical statistics. Articles must be in English, and include an abstract, Mathematics Subject Classification codes, and a bibliography. The submission must also include the name of an appropriate member of the Editorial Board to whom the Editor may refer the article. The Editor or a member of the Editorial Board will decide whether to forward the article to independent referees for comment and evaluation. Manuscripts should be prepared in any (La)TeX-version and submitted as a pdf. Authors are asked to certify that their contributions have not been submitted simultaneously to any other journal. If accepted, authors will be asked to submit the (La)TeX-file which will be used in the final preparation for publication. Authors may wish to use the NZJM-style file together with a sample file in preparing their final version (you can right-click or command-click to download each file rather than displaying in the browser). Note that the New Zealand Journal of Mathematics has no page or processing charges.

The New Zealand Journal of Mathematics does not claim copyright for material published; copyright remains with the authors. If a third party wishes to reproduce part or all of an article appearing in the journal, then that party is requested to attribute the source as the New Zealand Journal of Mathematics with the volume, year, and page numbers as appropriate. Of course, approval also needs to be obtained from the authors.

Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply login and begin the five-step process.


Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

Duties of members of the Editorial Board

Articles will be evaluated on their mathematical importance, interest, and relevance to the journal. Any member of the Editorial Board with a conflict of interest connected with an article will declare it to the Editor and take no part in the decision process.

Submitted articles will undergo the following process:

1. All articles will be subject to an initial screening by the Editor or a member of the Editorial Board. If it is felt that the article is not appropriate for the journal, the authors will be informed of the decision typically within two weeks.

2. For all other submissions, the article will be either evaluated by the member of the Editorial Board handling the article, or sent to at least one referee for evaluation.

3. The final decision is made either by the Editor or the member of the Editorial Board handling the article.

4. If additional information comes to light after publication that would have affected the decision (for example, if a serious error in a paper is discovered), the decision will not be changed, but the information will be prominently displayed on the journal website.

Duties of reviewers

If a potential reviewer has a conflict of interest or lacks the expertise to confidentally judge the article, then the reviewer should make this clear to the member of the Editorial Board handling the article and decline to review it.

It is expected that reviewers keep information about the article, including where it has been submitted, confidential. However, if the paper is rejected and the reviewer is asked by another journal to evaluate it, then the reviewer may inform (confidentially) to the editorial board of the other journal that it has been rejected by the New Zealand Journal of Mathematics.

Duties of authors

Authors should submit original work only unless this is not the intention of the article, for example, in the case of a survey article. Any result not due to the authors must be clearly cited. Copying or rewording large parts of another article without attribution is unacceptable.

Everyone that made a significant contribution to the article should be offered authorship.

Authors who discover a significant error in their article while it is under consideration for publication, should notify the journal immediately.